Introduction & Ongoing Research

Since March 2020, I am a PhD student at the Meteorology and Air Quality (MAQ) group at Wageningen University. My thesis is on the variability of solar radiation under broken clouds. This is part of the 'Shedding Light On Cloud Shadows' SLOCS project, run by my promoter Chiel van Heerwaarden.

My current focus is preparing for my PhD defense, which is to take place in September 2024.

Whenever I have something meaningful to share, I will post it here, including (rehosted) blogs about my work on my research group's blog, or on other popular science media.

Last modified: Wednesday 19 Jun 2024, 11:37

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CloudRoots-Amazon22: Integrating clouds with photosynthesis by crossing scales

Published on 06 May, 2024

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Observed Patterns of Surface Solar Irradiance under Cloudy and Clear-sky Conditions

Published on 30 Mar, 2024

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FESSTVaL: field experiment description

Published on 27 Oct, 2023

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The Power Law of Solar Irradiance Variability

How Solar Irradiance Variability is driven by Cloud Sizes

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[NL] Te gast bij podcast 'Door Weer en Wind'

In gesprek met Imme & Leon over wolken en zonnestraling

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Volcanic eruption near Tonga measured in the Netherlands

Pressure shockwave circled Earth at least 3 times (by Resource)

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Latest Datasets

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Solar spectral irradiance measurements CloudRoots-Amazon22

Published on 23 Jan, 2024

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Radiometer grid at Falkenberg (FESSTVaL campaign)

Published on 04 Aug, 2023

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Radiometer grid at La Cendrosa (LIAISE campaign)

Published on 30 May, 2023

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